Top Five Components of Content Marketing Strategies

What is it that drives content of any business? We’ve been looking at the most important basic steps to consider in any content marketing strategy. Get these right and you’ve got the essential framework for success:


1. Who’s your target audience?

There might be more than one audience for the content you’re creating. Don’t worry – the great thing about content strategy is that it can be adapted to suit a variety of customers. You can deliver different modes of content – a short video instead of a long-form article, for example – via different channels to engage each type of audience you have identified. In the world of content marketing, nobody is left behind!


2. Solve a problem

Think of how you might approach searching for a new television set or washing machine. You probably have a mental list of preferences based on size, functionality and price before you embark on your research. Or perhaps you’re totally confused by the many options, and simply have a simple need – the most easy to use device, for example, or a sturdy machine that will last long-term. If you spot something that clearly meets your needs, you’re more likely to be drawn to it. Perhaps you read a review or watch a testimonial, something that explains how a product solves the problem you have. If the content informs and educates you, then it’s doing a great job as part of a content marketing strategy.


3. What’s your USP?

Let’s face it, most products have a competitor offering something similar in market. Sometimes there are multiple competitors fighting over the same ground. To stand out from the crowd, content can prove an invaluable tool. Your content can tell your unique story in so many different ways. Perhaps you have a sustainable manufacturing process, an award for the happiest workforce, or a sales team who love running charity events in their spare time – all make for great source material for original storytelling that pushes the USP of your brand. These stories show your target audience why you’re worth purchasing from, while giving them uplifting, entertaining and informative content.


4. How will you present and manage your content?

There are many formats to choose from. Your decision will be based on both your target audience user and your budget. Infographics, videos, blog posts, microsites, podcasts, webinars – what’s the best way to get your storytelling across?



5. Where will your content appear?

You can publish on your own website or social media pages, or you might want to distribute the content on third-party sites via a programmatic campaign. How will you manage content creation and publication? Another consideration will be timing – when will your content go live.

Proper planning and execution of these five key components can help you achieve your content marketing goals.



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